CONNECT@IPSDS 2021 DATA SCIENCE CONFERENCE Data is crucial to understanding and addressing many of our world’s most pressing challenges. But what is the role of data science in policy evaluation during a global pandemic, and what is the actual value of data for different sectors and domains?At our annual conference of the International Program in Survey and Data Science, Connect@IPSDS, we will explore exactly these questions. Don’t miss this opportunity to delve into current causal inference research, hear about the value of data in different domains, and learn more about career opportunities in the field. When? June 18, 2021 at 8:00 – 11:45 am EDT / 14:00 – 17:45 CEST Where? Wherever fits you best via Zoom A detailed agenda is available here. Registration is due by Tuesday, June 15, 2021. There are limited seats available. Looking forward to e-meeting you at Connect@IPSDS 2021! Best regards, Annika from the IPSDS team |

Senior User Experience Researcher, Google
Gina Walejko is a Researcher at Google. Previously, she worked as a Survey Methodologist for the U.S. Census Bureau. Her technical areas of expertise include questionnaire design and message testing. She teaches survey methodology courses for the University of Maryland, the University of Mannheim, and the International Program in Survey and Data Science. She is Co-Author of numerous technical papers, and her refereed journal articles have appeared in publications including Science. She currently serves on the American Statistical Association’s Survey Research Methods Section Executive Council and on their Committee for Women in Statistics.

Professor in the Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Elizabeth A. Stuart is Professor in the Department of Mental Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, with joint appointments in the Department of Biostatistics and the Department of Health Policy and Management, and Associate Dean for Education at JHSPH. She received her PhD in statistics in 2004 from Harvard University. She is an expert in causal inference methods as applied to mental health, public policy, and education. Elizabeth A. Stuart is a Fellow of the American Statistical Association. She is on twitter @lizstuartdc

Professor for Methods and Theories of Computational Social Sciences and Humanities, RWTH Aachen
Markus Strohmaier is a Professor for Methods and Theories of Computational Social Sciences and Humanities at RWTH Aachen University (Germany), and Scientific Coordinator for Digital Behavioral Data at GESIS – Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences. Previously, he was a Post-doc at the University of Toronto (Canada), an Assistant Professor at Graz University of Technology (Austria), a visiting scientist at Xerox PARC (USA), a Visiting Assistant Professor at Stanford University (USA), and the Founder and Scientific Director of the department for Computational Social Science at GESIS (Germany). He is interested in applying and developing computational techniques to research challenges on the intersection between computer science and the social sciences / humanities.

Professor of Quantitative Marketing and Consumer Analytics, University of Mannheim (Mannheim Center for Data Science)
Florian Stahl is a Professor of Quantitative Marketing and Consumer Analytics at the University of Mannheim. His research addresses business related questions of the digital economy and the digital transformation of marketing process and strategies. Methodically his research is based on empirical modeling, applied econometrics, machine learning and experimental studies (laboratory as well as field experiments). The results of Florian’s research have been published in top-tier journals such as Journal of Marketing or Journal of Marketing Research, and he won the 2012 H. Paul Root Award and the 2012 Robert D. Buzzell / Marketing Science Institute Best Paper Award

Professor at the School of Communication, The Ohio State University
Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick is a Professor at the School of Communication at The Ohio State University and a Fellow of the International Communication Association. She serves as Co-Editor of Communication Research, a flagship journal of communication science. Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick’s research examines the selection, processing, and effects of mediated communication. A key thread in her work pertains to antecedents and consequences of selective exposure to mediated messages. Her publications include four books and an edited book. Further, she has about a hundred publications in peer-reviewed journals and 33 book chapters (in Jan. 2020). Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick has served as Managing Editor of Media Psychology (2012-16), and as Graduate Studies Director (2014-15) in the School of Communication at The Ohio State University, as well as Chair of the International Communication Association nomination committee (2013-2015).

Project Manager, European Center for Information and Communication Technologies & Master Student, Master of Applied Data Science & Measurement
Anna Elisabeth Linek is a Researcher and Project Manager at the European Center for Information and Communication Technologies, supporting the development of methods and tools for the efficient expansion and transformation of existing AI modules of autonomous vehicles to new domains. In her work, she focuses on validation and testing. She studied sociology and psychology at the Universities of Leipzig and Valencia, and has worked as a Market Researcher at TNS Infratest (now Kantar TNS) and as a Social Scientist at forsa, widening the perspective into the national setting of research questions and research methods. As part of her work at forsa, she entered the International Program in Survey and Data Science in January 2017.

Professor of Public Law, Regulatory Law and Tax Law, University of Mannheim (Mannheim Center for Data Science)
Thomas Fetzer studied law at the University of Mannheim where he also received his doctoral degree in 2000. He graduated from the Vanderbilt University Law School with the degree of an LL.M. in 2003. Habilitation at the University of Mannheim in 2009. He is an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Pennsylvania Carrey Law School Centre for Technology, Innovation and Competition since 2009. He has been holding the Chair of Public Law, Regulation Law and Tax Law at the School of Law and Economics at the University of Mannheim since 2012. He served as head of the Department of Law and Dean of the School of Law and Economics from 2014-2017. Thomas Fetzer specializes in antitrust and regulatory law as well as privacy law with a focus on questions relating to digitalization

Professor of Statistics and Data Science for the Social Sciences and Humanities, Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich
Professor, Joint Program in Survey Methodology, University of Maryland-College Park
Frauke Kreuter is a Professor of Statistics and Data Science for the Social Sciences and Humanities at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University of Munich (Germany), Professor at the Joint Program in Survey Methodology at the University of Maryland, and Co-Director of Data Science Centers at the University of Maryland (USA) and Mannheim (Germany). In addition to her academic work, Frauke Kreuter is the Founder of the International Program in Survey and Data Science (IPSDS), Co-Founder of the Colerdige Initiative, and Co-Founder of the German language podcast Dig Deep.

Professor of Statistics and Social Research Methods (interim), University of Mannheim
Florian Keusch is a Professor of Statistics and Methodology (interim) in the Sociology Department, School of Social Sciences at the University of Mannheim and an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Joint Program in Survey Methodology (JPSM) at the University of Maryland. He also serves on the Faculty Board of the International Program in Survey and Data Science (IPSDS) and is Associate Editor of Survey Research Methods. He received his PhD in Social and Economic Sciences (Dr.rer.soc.oec.) from WU, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria, in 2011. Before joining the University of Mannheim, he was a Post-doc Research Fellow at the Program in Survey Methodology at the University of Michigan’s Institute for Social Research.

Professor of Health Psychology, University of Mannheim (Mannheim Center for Data Science)
Jutta Mata is a Professor of health psychology at the University of Mannheim and Director at the Mannheim Center for Data Science. She is Associated Research Scientist at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin and the University of Lisbon, Portugal. Her main research topics include understanding individual, social, and environmental factors that determine weight-related health behaviors and the effects of health behaviors on well-being. She is also interested in the use and effects of mHealth and online social networks for healthy behavior. Jutta studied psychology in Göttingen, Lisbon, and Berlin. She was a member of the International Max Planck Research School LIFE and received her PhD in 2008. After being a Post-doc Research Fellow at both, the University of Lisbon, Portugal, and Stanford University, USA, she worked as a Research Scientist at the University of Basel, Switzerland, and the Max Planck Institute for Human Development.