International Food Acquisition Research and Methods (iFARM) Workshop Schedule
University of Maryland, College Park
October 20-21, 2022
Day 1, Thursday, October 20
Title |
Welcome and Opening Remarks Keynote: That’s Good To Know: The Policy Setting for Food Acquisition Research and Methods Parke Wilde (Tufts University) (Slides) |
Paper Session 1: New Technologies for Food Data Collection An Overview of Survey Development Activities for the Second National Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS-2) Elina T. Page (USDA Economic Research Service) (Abstract) | (Slides) The FoodImage App: Lessons Learned and Directions Forward Brian Roe (Ohio State University) (Abstract) | (Slides) FoodScrap: Capturing Everyday Food Practice through Speech Input Yuhan Luo (City University of Hong Kong) (Abstract) |
Keynote: Reflecting on Eight Years of Methodological Research on the FoodAPS: What we’ve Learned, and Where to go Next Brady T. West (University of Michigan) (Slides) |
Paper Session 2: Assessing and Improving Data Quality in Food Diaries Food Diaries Used to Collect Food Acquisition Data Ting Yan (Westat) (Abstract) | (Slides) Estimation of Underreporting in Diary Surveys: U.S. National Household Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey Mengyao Hu (University of Michigan) (Abstract) | (Slides) For All it’s Worth: Capturing Food Receipt Data with OCR Adam Kaderabek (RTI International) (Abstract) | (Slides) Leveraging Predictive Models to Reduce Income Misclassification and Under-reporting of Food Acquisitions Elizabeth Petraglia (Westat) (Abstract) | (Slides) |
Panel Discussion: Human-Centered Approaches to Developing Diary Data Collection Instruments on Smartphone Chair: Lin Wang (U.S. Census Bureau) Panelists: Ting Yan (Westat), Long Doan (University of Maryland), Robert Gordon Rinderknecht (Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research), Shelley Feuer (U.S. Census Bureau), Alda Rivas (U.S. Census Bureau) (Abstract) |
End of Day 1 |
Day 2, Friday, October 21
Title |
Keynote: The State of Food Consumption Data in Low and Middle-Income Countries: From Technical Challenges to Decision-Influencing Opportunities Jennifer Coates (Tufts University) (Slides) |
Paper Session 3: Survey Design, New Data Sources, and Statistical Processing Utilizing Mobile-based Tools to Collect Food Security Data Across Sub-Saharan Africa Amanda Berman (GeoPoll), Matthieu Sauvage-Mar (GeoPoll) (Abstract) | (Slides) Leveraging Survey-to-Survey Imputation to Address Challenges with Food Poverty Measurement: Evidence from Low- and Middle-Income Countries Hai-Anh H. Dang (World Bank) (Abstract) | (Slides) Lessons in Designing a Client-level Survey for Administration by Community Program Staff Amy L. Djangali (RTI International) (Abstract) | (Slides) Using Home-scan Data to Analyze Dietary Changes in Relation to Major Life Changing Events Sinne Smed (University of Copenhagen) (Abstract) | (Slides) |
Paper Session 4: Food data Collection in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Efforts to Harmonize Food Consumption Data in HCES in Low- and Middle- Income Countries: Where Do We Go From Here? Alberto Zezza (World Bank) (Abstract) | (Slides) Measuring Consumption Over the Phone: Evidence from a Survey Experiment in Urban Ethiopia Gashaw T. Abate (CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health) (Abstract) | (Slides) Effects of Data Collection Methods on Estimated Household Consumption and Survey Costs: Evidence from an Experiment in the Marshall Islands Michael Sharp (Pacific Community) (Abstract) | (Slides) Informing Micronutrient Decision-making at Sub-National Scales using Food Consumption Data from Household Surveys in Low-Income countries Kevin Tang (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine) (Abstract) | (Slides) |
Panel Discussion: What Food Ontologies, Taxonomies, Vocabularies and Crosswalks Exist to Make Data Harmonization and Interoperability a Reality in the Food System? Chair: Brian Roe (Ohio State University) Panelists: Matthew Lange (IC-Foods), Andrea Carlson (USDA Economic Research Service), Kyle McKillop (USDA Agricultural Research Service) (Abstract) |
Reflections on the Workshop and Looking Ahead Chair: Michele Ver Ploeg (USDA Economic Research Service) |
End of Day 2 |