University of Maryland


Educating the next generation of researchers and data scientists onsite and through long distance education for careers such as survey methdologists, political analysts, quantitative sociologists, applied economists, computational criminologists, social media analysts, data jounalists, and smart city planners.

The two core SoDa partners are the College of Information Studies and the Joint Program in Survey Methodology (JPSM) within the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences.

Affiliated Academic Programs & Outreach

PhD in Survey Methodology
Master in Survey Methodology (MSc)
Master in Survey and Data Science (MPDS)
Master in Information Management (MIM)
The International Program in Survey and Data Science (IPSDS), Masters in professional studies

Fundamentals of Survey Methodology
Fundamentals of Survey Statistics
Fundamentals of Survey and Data Science

Undergraduate Major in Social Data Science
Undergraduate Minor in Survey Methodology

One and Two-day Short Courses in Survey and Data Science

AAPOR/JPSM Citation(s)
Data Analytics for Social Science or Survey Methodology
Applied Data Analytics Training Program

Junior Fellows Summer Internship Program
ASA DC DataFest Undergraduate Contest
NCHS Data Detectives Summer Camp for PG Co. middle school students